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Nowzar Hedayati

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We Are the Key to Restart the Economy

Nowzar Hedayati

During the COVID-19 lock-down, we all realized the little things that we missed about our cities and from our urban lifestyle. Restaurants, coffee shops, bars, bookstores, shops etc. The lock-down made us appreciate them much more than before.

Many of these businesses suffered greatly during the lock-down, some went bankrupt and some are still facing the consequences. These small businesses are the backbones of any economy and the beating heart of our cities.

Those of us who have been fortunate enough to maintain our jobs and professional status during the lock-down, shall do our part and support these small businesses, and help the economy to get back on its feet.

We can all play our part, by going to coffee shops, restaurants and local stores, while paying attention to the authorities' health guidelines.

The city of Vienna has offered €50 vouchers for every household to be used in any coffee shop or restaurant, in order to kick start the economy after the lock-down.

Luckily the internet has also provided us with an easy and comfortable solution. We can stay at home and order in food or purchase our needs online.

COVID-19 has taught us many things. Among them, how interconnected our economies, safety and well-being is; as well as how much have we disrespected and ignored our environment over the past decades. We can learn from these lessons, change our habits and behaviors, and build a better future. Communities, cities, countries, continents and the whole humanity. We are in this together and we must help each other to come out of this together.

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